List of tariffs

Detailed list of tariffs

We encourage our customers to select one of the following payment options to avoid invoicing fees and ensure regular payments. By doing this, you can regularise your energy payments, enjoy direct savings and avoid penalty interest, collection fees, termination of service and other inconveniences due to non-payment.


Available payment options


Invoices are sent directly to the customer’s internet bank, with no invoices by mail or invoicing fees. Electronic payments from an internet banking account is a good option for customers who use internet banking frequently. The invoice is accessible on an electronic statement in the internet bank and displayed along with other unpaid invoices. You can print out the invoice if you want a paper copy for your files.
Customers who want to use direct payments contact their bank and request to pay their energy bills via direct payment. The bank will then communicate with us to arrange for electronic invoices to be sent directly to the bank. No paper invoices will be issued.
Automatic bill payments are similar to direct payments except in this case, the customer’s credit card is charged. The customer contacts us directly to arrange for electronic invoices to be sent to the credit card company in question. The invoice is accessible on an electronic statement in the internet bank.
Companies must be able to receive electronic invoices in their financial system in order to utilise this option. Electronic invoices provide more quality at lower cost than scanned paper invoices. The information in electronic invoices is reliable and the invoices can be booked electronically. No work is needed to correct errors due to missing reference numbers or poor scanning quality.


Water charges are according to HS Veitur hf.’s list of charges. The calculation criteria can be found in our list of tariffs for cold drinking water.


Total list of tariffs

If you want to view the total list of tariffs or rates for a particular use, you can open the tariff in question.


List of tariffs for distribution and transmission of electricity*

List of tariffs for hot water*

Tariff for cold drinking water*

Service fees*


General terms*


* Only available in Icelandic